admin Jan/ 10/ 2017 | 0
I would put this recipe for my Dairy Free Chocolate Ice Cream up against anybody’s full dairy premium chocolate ice cream!
It’s that good!
I made it the first time and decided that it wasn’t chocolatey enough so I added a cup of chocolate chips in addition to the bittersweet chocolate and the Droste’s Cocoa that were already in there.
Now it’s perfect and everybody that has tried it agrees that you can’t tell that it isn’t a full dairy ice cream! Ha!
I also reduced the cornstarch by 1 Tblsp from what I had used in my Dairy Free Fresh Cherry Ice Cream. That was all it took to make this recipe perfect!
This ice cream has a deep chocolate flavor and is very creamy and smooth.
The first time that I made this recipe I used Valhrona Bittersweet chocolate and the second time I used the same Droste Dark Chocolate pastilles that I use in my Chocolate Mousse. I like it with the Droste a little better but the Valhrona is nice too.
Thank you again to Eating Well Magazine for their recipe that used Marshmallow Fluff and cornstarch to Rx a reader’s original heavy dairy, heavy fat ice cream.
That recipe from Eating Well got my mind going on the whole dairy free ice cream concept.
It’s funny because I have avoided ice cream for several years because dairy doesn’t agree with me- now I am thinking a lot about which flavors I want to work with next!
The whole jar of Marshmallow Fluff that is in this recipe only has 720 calories and 0 grams of fat. I did have to add 1/2 cup of sugar to this recipe because the bittersweet chocolate and cocoa needed it. But it is still much lower in sugar and fat than traditional premium full dairy chocolate ice cream.
There is 1 teaspoon of guar gum in this recipe- please don’t leave it out because it takes away any ice crystals that might form and makes it smooth.
This recipe makes 1- 1/2 quarts of ice cream.
I shared this recipe with Hearth And Soul Hop at A Moderate Life, Delectable Tuesday at Home Sweet Farm, Tasty Tuesday at 33 Shades Of Green, Gluten Free Wednesdays at The Gluten Free Homemaker, Sweets For A Saturday at Sweet As Sugar Cookies, Slightly Indulgent Tuesdays at Simply Sugar And Gluten Free, Sweet Tooth Friday at Alli ‘N Son
Dairy Free Chocolate Ice Cream
Place in large saucepan or dutch oven and heat until chocolate is melted and mixture is steaming:
2- 3- 1/2oz packages Droste Extra Dark Pastilles OR 2- 3- 1/2oz Valhrona Bittersweet Chocolate bars
1 cup Nestle chocolate chips
1/2 teaspoon instant expresso powder (not instant coffee- too bitter!)
4 cups rice milk
Meanwhile, in medium sized bowl stir together cornstarch, guar gum, cocoa,sugar and a pinch of salt.
1/4 cup cornstarch
1 teaspoon guar gum
1/4 cup Droste cocoa
1/2 cup of sugar
pinch of salt
Add 1/2 cup cold rice milk to dry mixture and stir together well.
Add 4 egg yolks (remove any membrane)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Stir together well to get rid of any lumps and mix until smooth.
Add 1 cup of hot chocolate and rice milk mixture to egg yolk mixture and mix well. Add egg yolk mixture to hot mixture in the dutch oven.
Stir mixture constantly until it thickens- about 3 to 5 minutes.
Remove thickened mixture from heat. Let cool for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally so no skin forms on top.
Use immersion style blender on hot mixture in dutch oven being careful not to splatter! Blend until totally smooth- about 30 seconds.
Transfer blended mixture to a large bowl and let cool further- I place mine on top of 2 blue ice to hasten cooling.
When mixture is fairly cool, spoon all of a 7- 1/2oz jar of Marshmallow Fluff onto the top of the chocolate mixture in the bowl. Whisk Fluff into chocolate mixture until it is well blended.
Place a piece of plastic wrap directly on mixture in bowl to prevent skin from forming. Let mixture cool a little more before refrigerating.
Refrigerate overnight if possible.
Pour mixture into the canister of an ice cream maker and freeze according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
My Cuisinart took 30 minutes to freeze this chocolate mixture.
When it is done it will not be frozen solid- it will be very sticky and smooth and the outside edge will be frozen.
If you want to add any other ingredients like chocolate chips or nuts, I would do it at this point.
Makes 1- 1/2 quarts of ice cream
Transfer ice cream to a covered container that will hold 1- 1/2 quarts.